Safir XP

Safir XP


SAFIR-Xp VERSION 1. Main window:

Each view can be maximized.
In addition to toolbars, a contextual menu is associated to each view.
Mouse feedback is provided in the captions placed above the rows of views.

The Performance Summary can be fully parameterized according to your liking.
New calculations based on Maximum Intraday Drawdown updated according to the current price level and to the historical level when it was observed.
Permutable order of fields.
Custom integration: new evaluation functions based on the current fields of the Performance Summary. Define your own objectives to be optimized on a portfolio (development cost not included, please ask for a quotation).

Performance Summary between two points from a mouse click :

SAFIR Xp introduces the notion of Workspaces and uses a portfolio concept to handle the trading data (shared in one search and one validation portfolios).
A workspace gathers all the objects and data structures managed by SAFIR-Xp :
trading data,
families of solutions,
trading parameters,
user`s settings.

You can work on several workspaces at the same time. Workspaces can be saved to the hard disk, so that you can resume your researches at any time.
All the results and historical statistics are shown graphically and/or numerically.

The trading systems can be exercized on the whole content of a portfolio or on a single value.




